I would like to be able to travel a thousand years into the future, I think it would be interesting to see and know if the human species still exists and if it does, how it has evolved, not only physically but also in its way of thinking and developing, I would like to observe how far life and technology have come, how they coexist and develop, I would like to know above all what has happened with nature and if man has managed to develop techniques for the conservation of the ecosystem, maybe by then we will not even live on earth and we will be orbiting in other galaxies, perhaps in an artificial and green planet, sustainable, privileging nature.


 i don't know, it would be strange for me, i think i would have to be there to know, although it would be difficult for me to stay, since it would be strange to live in a new world where i would feel completely alien to that reality, i would not feel part of that new world, Besides, I would not have any relationship with the people who would live there and maybe I would feel very lonely, maybe the human being will coexist with extra planetary beings, maybe we will find new ways to talk and communicate, I even think that language and languages would evolve to a more universal and common language for everyone.


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