I’m studying Architecture, I chose architecture because since childhood I liked construction, but before study engineering in construction for two years in “Universidad técnica Federico Santa María”. When I was there I realized that it was not for me, so I decided to change and leave engineering but not leaving construction. Now that I am in this career I realize that it is not just building, but that it goes beyond the material, we study the surroundings, the environment, people, art, and history and we understand the whole environment to then create spaces that contribute to society, with the possibility of freely using our creativity.

As a kid, I didn't know what I was going to do for a living but I always liked to invent and build things like 3D puzzles, take apart my electronic cars when they didn't work anymore, and with the pieces invent something.

 my experience in the university has been gratifying, I feeling very comfortable, I have met very friendly and interesting people, I feel very well within the faculty. 


  1. You are a very resourceful and creative person. How beautiful is your vision of architecture and your desire to contribute to that.

  2. It's so important that you mention it! the important role to play the architecture about the surroundings that will form the stage where the stories will be told and lived out is so much more than build buildings

  3. I feel like you were born for architecture hahaha I like your vision about that and It´s beautiful dream!


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