I am studying architecture so I will focus on my career, first I would like to start by improving part of the infrastructure of the faculty, acoustic improvement of the rooms as in these rooms there is a lot of echo, improve the heating and ventilation of these, as in winter it is too hot and in summer these are very cold, other improvements that would be able to improve the computer rooms, as it is a career that demands much use computer, and being this faculty of architecture and design that are careers that demand the use of computers would include more rooms for students, more spaces equipped so that students can work, within the curriculum would also be good to have courses that teach to occupy various programs such as photoshop, illustrator, autocad, rhinocero, sketchup and all the necessary programs, since we are usually ourselves who have to learn individually.
I would also encourage students to practice sports, improvement of the courts, even to be able to take mandatory sports courses within the mesh of the career in this way encourage a healthier life, we also know that sport helps to lower and reduce stress levels, also within the equipment that would include within the faculty would be rest areas as many students sleep anywhere because of the long hours of work and loss of sleep to which they are subjected.
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